How Does Kybella Work?
Excess fat under the chin is a common aesthetic problem, affecting people of all ages. Submental (under the chin) fat is commonly called a double chin. It can impact the lines of the neck and jawline, add years to your appearance and make a person who is trim and fit look older and overweight. At Inland Aesthetic Institute in Rancho Cucamonga, we offer a non-invasive treatment to correct this issue.
Kybella is a non-surgical procedure that is capable of eliminating a double chin and dramatically improving one’s appearance. This innovative treatment is the first and only injectable to be approved by the FDA to eliminate the appearance of a double chin.
How does it work? The Kybella injectable is comprised of deoxycholic acid, a chemical that is used to help absorb fats which the body naturally produces. When this chemical is directly injected into the tissue under a patient’s chin, the deoxycholic acid destroys the walls of fat cells which ultimately causes the tissue to slowly dissolve as it is metabolized by the body, allowing the tissue under the chin to achieve a more sculpted appearance.
Every patient is different, but the benefits of Kybella can generally be seen after as few as two or three treatments. In some cases, as many as six treatments might be necessary to receive the maximum benefit. Given that this injectable treatment destroys fat cells in the treated area, the results that Kybella produces are long-lasting and will not require additional treatment sessions.
Kybella must be administered by a highly trained professional for your safety and optimal results. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Vidor, contact Inland Aesthetic Institute at 909-344-3672 or website today.